0:31:15 — 0:36:00
A stormtrooper convoy is attacked. The two sides exchange fire. There is an explosion, a building collapse. A giant robot fires at stormtroopers. A woman rushes in to save a child. A main single handedly beats and knocks out the remaining stormtroopers.
0:46:55 — 0:51:10
The death star fires causing a big explosion and the earth to shake. Prisoners escape in the confusion. A big wall of earth moves towards some people - they manage to escape in a spaceship.
1:05:55 — 1:10:40
A spaceship squadron bombs a base. They get hit by anti-air weapons. A spaceship is destroyed. We see many dead bodies. A character's father dies - they have an emotional farewell. The base explodes.
1:33:10 — 2:05:20
Major action sequence. The team exchanges fire with stormtroopers. We see a dogfight between spaceships. Big robot dog - is attacked with missiles - and comes crashing down. A man gets blown up and killed by a grenade. Many explosions. Many spaceships are hit and destroyed. Death star fires again and destroyed entire city. We see the wave again. A couple hug and prepare to die from the incoming wave. Darth Wader kills all rebel soldiers. The survivors escape in their ship.
Two sides exchange fire. A mother is killed - the child hides and witnesses the incident.