14 years after making a film about his journey across the USA, Borat risks life and limb when he returns to America with his young daughter, and reveals more about the American culture, the COVID-19 pandemic, and the political elections.
0:27:00 — 0:29:45
Borat and his daughter talk about a plastic baby that she swallowed. They have a sexual conversation with the pastor. Later - in the bathroom - bystanders hear a conversation about flushing down the baby.
0:32:15 — 0:34:30
Borat has a conversation about menstruation. Borat and daughter do a fertility dance. She raises her skirt and shows blood on her crotch and thighs. The crowd is horrified.
1:22:30 — 1:23:30
A man invites a female reporter to his room - then slips his hands in his pants. Borat bursts in wearing woman underwear and rescues her.
A man jumps from a low rise building. We see a "running of the Jew" parade. Borat screams when he is hit on the crotch.